Our Philosophy

Vivere est cogitare

It is so important for parents to have a clear idea about the innovative prospect of combining games and how children are educated by drawing on their innate hunger to seize knowledge. We took into account the physiological and psychological capabilities of your child and offer interactive games divided into three groups:

1+ (Children ages 1 to 3)

The fine motor and concentration skills enormously important at this age are being smoothly developed through playing experience. All the games and books in the series are outlined by colorful, but calm palette that does not overload child’s nervous system. In general we aim to help your child develop the following skills: fine motor fingers coordination, attention, comparing objects, logic, grouping by shape and color.

3+ (Children from 3 to 5)

Most of Tabbie Apps for this age are designed as games based on the methodologies of early development. They help to develop and strengthen fine motor skills, language skills, logical thinking, memory, understanding and identifying objects and phenomena, finding a part of the image, giving the characteristics to a number of attributes (color, size, shape, taste), visual perception.

5+ (Preschoolers)

These products help to figure out simple cognitive puzzles. Fascinating games help your child to have fun while learning and awake the interest to develop logical thinking, ability to characterize the object and drawing conclusions, a good understanding of the final result, attention and positive motivation.